RES3DINV software -Create 3D models of subsurface resistivity or IP! 3D surveys for pole-pole, pole-dipole, dipole-dipole, rectangular, trapezoid, Wenner, Wenner-Schlumberger, and non-conventional arrays.
RES3DINV tech specs – product brochure
For Windows XP/Vista/7/10, available for 32- and 64-bit PCs)
Now available as a combined package together with RES2DINV, the 2D Resistivity & IP inversion program.
Supports exact and approximate least-squares optimization methods
Supports smooth and sharp contrast inversions
Supports up to 5041 electrodes and 67500 data points on computers with 1GB RAM
Supports trapezoidal survey grids
Supports parallel calculations on Pentium 4 (and compatible) based computers
Multi-core support with RES3DINV Basic, 256 Gb RAM ort with RES3DINV Professional
In areas where the geological structures are approximately two-dimensional (2D), conventional 2D electrical imaging surveys have been successfully used. The main limitation of such surveys is probably the assumption of a 2D structure. In areas with complex structures, there is no substitute for a fully 3D survey. This program is designed to invert data collected with a rectangular grid of electrodes. The arrays supported include the pole-pole, pole-dipole, inline dipole-dipole, equatorial dipole-dipole, and Wenner-Schlumberger. The RES3DINV program uses the smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion technique to produce a 3D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data alone. Like RES2DINV, it is completely automatic and the user does not even have to supply a starting model. A Pentium 4 (or compatible CPU) based microcomputer with at least 512 megabytes RAM and an 80-gigabyte hard-disk is recommended. It supports parallel calculations that significantly reduces the inversion time. Topographic effects can be modeled by using a distorted finite-element grid such that the surface of the grid matches the topography. The program will automatically choose the optimum inversion parameters for a particular data set. However, the parameters which affect the inversion process can be modified by the user.
On a modern multi-core Windows-based microcomputer, the data inversion takes from less than a minute for small surveys with 100 electrodes in a flat area to several hours for extremely large surveys with 6000 electrodes in rugged terrain. The inversion of a data set with 198 electrode positions (BLOCKS_22x9-ws.dat example data file) just takes about 17 seconds on a PC with a hex-core i7 CPU. Two different variations of the smoothness constrained least-squares method are provided; one optimized for areas where the subsurface resistivity varies in a smooth manner (as in many hydrogeological problems), and another optimized for areas with sharp boundaries (such as massive ore bodies). A robust data inversion option is also available to reduce the effect of noisy data points. To handle very large data sets, the program also supports the incomplete Gauss-Newton optimization method. When used together with a data compression technique, it enables the inversion of very large data sets with over 20000 data points and model cells. As an example, a dataset with nearly 65000 data points and 32000 model cells was inverted on a 2Ghz P4 computer in slightly less than 2 days. On a more modern 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo computer, this takes less than 1 day.
Figure. Example of a 3-D survey using the offset pole-dipole array. (a) Electrodes layout used for the 3-D survey of the Copper Hill area. (b) The IP model obtained from the inversion of the Copper Hill survey data set. Yellow areas have chargeability values of greater than 35 mV/V, while red areas have chargeability values of greater than 45 mV/V (White et al. 2001).
Download installation files for the current version of RES2DINV/RES3DINV software. After installation, the software would operate in DEMO mode, which has some limitations namely no topography included in interpretation and inversion model cannot be saved. The licensed version of the software is protected by an electronic key. When you are ready to purchase the license, please contact us. We will provide you with software key via email.
Licensing levels
RES2DINVx64 and RES3DINVx64 Starter // Limited to 1000 electrodes and 5 iterations for 3D inversion, unlimited 2D inversion.
RES2DINVx64 and RES3DINVx64 Basic // Limited to utilizing 8 GB RAM and 1.6 million modeling grid nodes.
RES2DINVx64 and RES3DINVx64 Professional // Can utilize up to 256 GB RAM. Supports time-lapse inversion.
Updates are free for one year for existing customers. After that, the software will operate indefinitely at the version when your support has ended, but to update to the current version and receive software support from GeoTOMO you will need to pay for an additional year of support.
Send us an email and we will happily provide you with a custom quote.
Quick RES3DINV manual: RES3DINV-quick
Full Res3DINV manual: RES3DINV-full
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